22 September 2023
Kaliningrad, Club "Vagonka", 20:00

International Festival of Sound Art “SOUND AROUND”. Multimedia Concert “Under Voltage!”

Nikolai Khust «ISM» for bass-clarinet and live-electronics
Vladimir Rannev “Firing” for ensemble, electronics and video
Vladimir Deshevov “Rails”, Sergei Prokofiev “Fabrica”, Alexander Mosolov “Factory” (electro-acoustic version by Nikolai Popov and Alexander Khubeev)
Young Song”Phoenix Eye, Dragon Eye” for cello, electronics and video
Igor C. Silva “My Empty Hands” for flexible percussion ensemble, electronics and video
Nikolai Popov «New Piece» for cello and electronics
Michael Beil «Batterie» for percussions, electronics and video

MCME & CEAM-Artists
