21 December 2018
Moscow, Electrotheater STANISLAVSKY, 20:00
From Mondrian via Scarlatti to the Improvising Cat
Guus Janssen, Blue Yellow and Red Notes
Pogo 1
Pogo 2
Snooping around with Pief
the MCME meets a composer and a pianist Guus Janssen
Guus Janssen, piano (the Netherlands)
Ivan Bushuev, flute
Oleg Tantsov, clarinet
Mikhail Dubov, piano
Vladislav Pesin, violin
Ilia Rubinshtein, cello
In ‘title’ MCME will improvise and perform pieces by the Dutch composer pianist Guus Janssen. We travel across the skin of the painting ‘Victory Boogie Woogie’ by Piet Mondrian, a puppet of Vilmos Huszar dances, an ass always strikes the same stone and a cat plays the piano. And then there is Scarlatti Mix as a tribute to the best cartoon composer who never knew cinema.