9 November 2023
Moscow, Pushkin Museum, 19:00

“Choses vues a droite et a gauche”. French music from the turn of the century

Claude Debussy “Syrinx” for flute solo
Maurice Ravel Sonata for violin and cello, parts I, IV
Claude Debussy “Rhapsody” for clarinet and piano
Erik Satie  “Choses vues a droite et a gauche” for violin and piano
Maurice Ravel “Le Tombeau de Couperin”, version and ensemble by Ivan Bushuev

Konstantin Efimov (flute)
Oleg Tantsov (clarinet)
Mikhail Dubov (piano)
Evgeny Subbotin (violin)
Olga Demina (cello)

Introduction – Fedor Sofronov
