Jean-Luc Hervé (France)
Jean-Luc Hervé was born in 1960. He studied composition at the conservatoire de Paris with Gérard Grisey, where he received a Premier Prix in composition (1995). He is doctor in esthetic (1998). He received the “GoffredoPetrassi”prizeforhiscompositionCielsfororchestra(1997).Hewascomposer-in-research at IRCAM (2001). He obtain a residency at the Fondation des Treilles (1977) and at the Villa Kujoyama in Kyoto (2001). He was guest of the Berliner Kunslerprogramm of the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (2003). He received distinctions from Academie
Charles Cros for his two CD. He founded the group Biotop(e) with Thierry Blondeau and Oliver Schneller in 2004. His works have been performed by ensembles such as Ensemble Intercontemporain, Court-Circuit, Itinéraire, 2e2m, Instant Donné, Aleph, Contrechamps, MusikFabrik, Ensemble Recherche, KNM Berlin, Kairos quartet, Divertimento, Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio-France, Orchestra délia Toscana, Berliner Sinfonie-Orchester. He received commission from Etat français, ensemble Intercontemporain, Ircam, Radio-France, Radio Suisse romande, Siemens Musikstiftung. Jean-Luc Hervé’s music is regulary played in concert and festival in many countries, France (IrcamManifeste, Musica Strabourg; Présence Radio-France), Germany (Ulltraschall, Donaueschingen), Switzerland (Archipel), Austria, Italy (Bienale de Venezia), Spain (Alicanthe festival), Japan (Suntory Summer Festival), Belgium (Ars Musica), Mexico, Brazil, Argentine, Russia, Bulgaria, Lituania, Norway. He teached composition at Abbaye de Royaumont (2000, 2005) and lectured at IRCAM, Milano Civica Scola, and in many countries ( Mexico, Brazil, Argentine, Japan, Germany, Switzerland, Spain) He is currently a teacher of composition at the Conservatoire de Boulogne-Billancourt.
Antoine Beuger (Germany/Netherlands)
Antoine Beuger was born in 1955 in Oosterhout (the Netherlands). He studied in Sweelinck conservatory in Amsterdam with Ton de Leeuw. 1990 – resumption of compositional activities after an interruption of about 10 years. In 1992 Antoine Beuger together with Burkhard Schlothauer founded the Wandelweiser Group (an international group of composers and performers). The group runs its own publishing operatio and its own record label. Wandelweiser music is about “the evaluation and integration of silence(s) rather than an ongoing carpet of never-ending sounds” (Radu Malfatti). Since 1994 Antoine Beuger organizes the KLANGRAUM concert series in Duesseldorf. Since 1996 – he is the artistic director of the Edition Wandelweiser Records. Since 2004 – manager of the Edition Wandelweiser. Antoine Beuger received numerous composition prizes including X international composers seminar in Boswil (Switzerland), Young composers forum WDR-Cologne, 6th Inernational Kazimierz Serocki composers competition, Warsaw. Commissions include Donaueschinger Musiktagen 1995, 1997, 2003.
In 1980 – 1983 Antoine Beuger taught in the Theater school in Kampen (NL). In 1996 – 2002 – visiting lecturer Art academy Diisseldorf. Since 1992 private composition teaching. Seminars and workshops in University of Dortmund, California Institute of the Arts, University Aachen, Musikhochschule Karlsruhe etc. Since 2008 composer mentoring: composers come to me for intensive period of study, discussion, analysis, commentary, advice, support on a one-toone basis.